Tuesday 16 December 2014

Google Cloud Integration (Android + Java Server)

Hello Friends,

Today i will show you how to integrate GCM in android app.
For this i will make an app server in java servlet.

steps to follow
  1. Go to Google Developers Console
  2. Build GCM Client  an android app
  3. Build GCM Server java app server
Google Developers Console is a place where you  activate Google services that you want to integrate in your application.
steps to follow
  • 1 Create a Project
  • 2 Get Project Number
  • 3 Enable Google Cloud Messaging for Android
  • 4 Create Server API Key
Go to Google Developers Console

Give your project name

You will get your project number note it down...

go to APIs and enable Google Cloud Messaging for Android

go to Credentials

Click at Server Key to generate Server Key

Type "my public ip address" at google and note down your public ip address

do as the following image...

Finally you will get your server key note it down

Note down your Server key and Project Number.

Thats all with Google Developers Console

For GCM Server go to next post click here

For GCM client click here

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